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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Magento's theme hierarchy

Magento's theme hierarchy
1. If a custom theme is specified, the application looks for the requested file in:
  • 1. app/design/frontend/custom_package/custom_theme
  • 2. skin/frontend/custom_package/custom_theme
2. If the file is not found in the custom theme, the application moves up a level and
looks for it in:
  • 1. app/design/frontend/custom_package/default
  • 2. skin/frontend/custom_package/default
3. If not found in the default , the application looks for the requested file in:
  • 1. app/design/frontend/base/default
  • 2. skin/frontend/base/default
4. If not found, a rendering error will occur.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Password protect one or more directories with Basic HTTP Authentication using .htaccess


 Password protect one or more directories with Basic HTTP Authentication using .htaccess
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