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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

DRUPAL interview questions and answers

DRUPAL interview questions and answers

What is Drupal?
Drupal is both content management system and blogging engine.
How to change drupal head icon in address bar / url link / navigation bar on top?
Just go to 'Administer » Site building » Themes >> Configure' and at the bottom of this page you will find a section called "Shortcut icon settings". There you can change the 'favicon'.

avi type
In order for you or your users to start uploading video using Video Module, you must add a Video as a content type on your site.

Go to Administer->Content management->ContentTypes.

Drupal Comments - With the default installation, only users that have logged in can access/post comments. 
This can be changed from Administer -> User management -> Permissions. The comments settings are self-explanatory. By default, registered users can post comments (they don't need to wait for moderator approvals).
If you want to let anonymous users post comments, go to Administer -> User management -> Permissions -> comment module.

What the difference is between the "page" node type and the "story" node type?
In terms of basic functionality, there is no difference.
->A page doesn't post author information, timestamps or comments by default.
->A story does post author information, timestamps or comments by default.

By default, a story entry is automatically featured on the site's initial home page, and provides the ability to post comments.

The Page option allows you to create a static page
What is the path to the Drupal user/admin login page?
The path of the Drupal user/admin login page is
What is the option makes Drupal emit "clean" URLs? (i.e. without ?q= in the URL).
Choose the enabled option under clean urls
Administer->Site configuration->Clean URLs.

What are the Drupal System requirements?
Disk space
-15 Megabytes
Web server
-Apache 1.3, Apache 2.x, or Microsoft IIS
Database server
-Drupal 6: MySQL 4.1 or higher, PostgreSQL 7.1,
-Drupal 7: MySQL 5.0.15 or higher with PDO, SQLite 3.3.7 or higher
Drupal 6: 5.2 recommended
Drupal 7: 5.3 recommended

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